Business Profile

Our business was established to provide independent specialist consulting and support services for customers looking to build new or expand existing High Performance Computing Systems, including integration with Advanced Storage and Data Management products from leading vendors and suppliers in todays global market.  We also research new innovative technologies needed to develop and support the next generation Exascale computing for leadership scientific research. For example, high density Hybrid GPU systems and energy efficient "green" computing designs.

Business Philosophy
Si Research philosophy is simple. Provide the highest quality products and reliable service for our customers.

Vendors and Partners
Si Research has years of experience working with the major vendors of High Performance Computing Systems and their technology partners.

Our business whilst relatively new draws on the experience of its founding members who have more than 20 years experience architecting, implementing and supporting high-end computer solutions for both commercial and scientific research.

Bringing the best technology innovation to help our customers solve the grand challenges in advanced business and scientific research

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